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Within the framework of the "Finance in Common" Summit, the African Sport en Commun platform was officially launched today in the presence of development and sport stakeholders mobilized to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The mission of Sport en Commun is to promote the funding and support of projects that combine sport and development in Africa. All of its actions are driven by the conviction that sport is a strong lever for development and that it contributes to the achievement of the SDGs.

The platform offers :

  • A varied financing offer, adapted to all project sizes and coming from several types of financing structures: public and development finance institutions, local and regional banks, private sector companies, investment funds, foundations, etc.
  • Support solutions for project leaders covering the entire lifecycle of a project: incubation and structuring, deployment and implementation, change of scale, skills building and training, monitoring and impact measurement, etc.
  • Several digital networking solutions (directory, messaging, exchange forum) for faster, more relevant and better targeted interactions and partnerships.

Rémy Rioux, President of the Finance in Common Summit, Chair of IDFC and CEO of the AFD: "In Ouagadougou, the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron called for ‘the recognition of sport as a powerful vector for development and growth of African economies’. Today, on the occasion of the Finance in Common Summit, which brings together for the first time all Public Development Banks, the very concrete kick-off of this ‘sport and development’ ambition is given with the launch of the "Sport en Commun" digital platform created by the AFD. Tomorrow, the leaders of development projects through sport in Africa will thus be able to meet those of development financing and contribute, together, to achieving Sustainable Development Goals.”

Press contact: Audrey Malmenayde