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Le programme Accès Culture finance des projets culturels favorisant le lien social en Afrique
Launched by the French Institute and AFD, the Access Culture program supports and finances cultural projects promoting social ties and strengthening collaborations between African and French cultural actors. This round’s applications are open until April 16, 2023.

The Access Culture program aims to support cultural cooperation projects in Africa whose activities provide the public with a kind of cultural dynamic. The objective: to strengthen social bonds by promoting cultural activities for communities that have been deprived of such artistic experiences for social, economic or geographical reasons.

Access Culture is intended for African and French cultural operators who will jointly carry out a project proposing to meet a local need. The winners will be awarded a grant of between €60,000 and €75,000 over three years (the amount of the grant will constitute a maximum of half of the total budget of the winner's project, the other half must come from their own funds or other sources).

Le programme Accès Culture soutient la coopération culturelle en Afrique

Quaterly technical support

The winners will receive, each quarter, technical support (in a space for dialogue) on the subjects they have chosen (administrative management, gender aspects, ecological transition, economic model, fundraising, issues of cultural mediation by discipline or by geographical area, etc.), in addition to collective seminars on the African continent.


  • Target audience: civil society organizations and cultural institutions of local authorities
  • Continent concerned: Africa
  • Start of the call for projects: February 24, 2023
  • Closing of the call for projects: April 16, 2023
  • Winning projects announced: mid-June 2023
  • Online registration on the Institut français website

Eligible projects should:

  • Be implemented in Africa
  • Have a maximum implementation period of 3 years
  • Be a cultural cooperation project between an entity based in France and one in Africa (see the website for details)
  • Be part of a cultural action that benefits local populations, in particular those who lack access to artistic and cultural activities