AFD Publications is the home of research on sustainable development and evaluations of projects financed by AFD. Providing a variety of analyses of the many challenges facing the planet, these studies enable us to better understand and strive to fulfill the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDG 17, which is aimed at revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development, encourages us to widen access to science and engage in knowledge sharing. This is why AFD Publications have been made available to the public free of charge on the AFD website.
Research portals just a click away
These publications are also available on other specialized platforms, including Cairn (the French-language reference portal for publications in the humanities and social sciences), on the Google Scholar search engine for scientific articles, and on the Ideas database of economic and financial research documents.
AFD’s Charter for Free Access to its publications sets out our commitment to publish findings stemming from research carried out or financed by AFD, online, via open access. To ensure continued, open access, the conditions for sharing and reuse of publications have changed: since January 2021, new publications are released under an open Creative Commons license.
With a catalog of more than 1,100 titles and an average of 80 new publications each year, AFD Publications promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise through its own collections and its flagship partnerships.
Enjoy reading!