Public Consultation on AFD Group’s 2023-2027 Strategy

published on 16 March 2022
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Agence Française de Développement is drawing up new strategic guidelines for the upcoming five years. To hear your input, we are holding a public consultation until April 4, 2022.

AFD Group is engaging in wide-ranging consultations on its 2023-2027 strategic guidelines. Our goal is to allow our partners to contribute to the strategic framework that will guide our action for the next five years.

The consultation is open to everyone throughout the world, be they a public- or private-sector employee, a representative of a civil society organization or private citizen, or an expert or non-expert on development policies. It’s accessible in French and English on AFD Group’s digital consultation site.

Keeping alive the spirit of international solidarity

France’s 2021 programming law on inclusive development and combating global inequalities will be the backbone of this future strategy. Its reference framework will be the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and its method partnership mobilization.
“Our future can only be a future in common. That’s what the Paris Agreement and the SDG Agenda 2030 tell us. In taking a stand at odds with current trends, France’s development policy must keep alive the spirit of international solidarity and the link between us and others,” says AFD CEO Rémy Rioux.

Four guiding priorities

Following our 2018-2022 Strategic Guidelines embodied by five major commitments (100% Paris Agreement, 100% social link, 3D development thinking, Non-sovereign first, Partnership by design), we at AFD Group intend to enlarge our goals to four priority areas:

  1. Ensure that our work contributes to the SDGs. For the planet, by intensifying climate and biodiversity convergence. For social cohesion, through solidarity and reduction of inequalities. For the strengthening of democratic institutions and rights, by promoting citizen participation and engagement.
  2. Stand with others for a World in Common, by working more in depth in the field and with local populations. With its network of local offices working on the ground, AFD Group seeks to support countries and stakeholders in working out sustainable, fair and prosperous development trajectories.
  3. Make shared innovation a key aspect of our goal of Paris Agreement and SDG convergence. We’ll put special emphasis on all sustainable development innovations, working together and enhancing contributions by all partners.
  4. Mobilize the stakeholders and resources that contribute to sustainable development. AFD group can’t do it alone! We must strengthen our partnership reflex so we can build collective capacity to direct investments towards sustainable development, just as the world’s 530 public development banks have done as part of the Finance in Common (FiCS) coalition.

With this in mind, we want to hear from you to help fuel our reflection on tomorrow’s AFD Group. This will enable us to delve further into what strategy we want in the future. We look forward to hearing from you in this consultation, which will be open until April 4, 2022.

==> Click here to participate in the consultation