To support countries in implementing their commitment to fostering a more resilient form of development, AFD has set up AdaptAction, a tool with a budget of €30 million for its first phase (2017-2022). Through the use of vulnerability and feasibility studies, guidance in drafting national policy and action plans, as well as capacity-building actions, AdaptAction provides a leverage effect to help these countries access international climate finance and accelerate their adaptation investment.
In all its actions, AdaptAction pays particular attention to climate vulnerabilities linked to gender, nature-based solutions, and the building of solutions together with its partners. It also makes sure its actions are in line with development trajectories that prioritize resilience.
More than 75 studies have been conducted since 2017, by more than 500 experts in many sectors, some of which have been the subject of lessons learned and recommendations sheets: governance, monitoring and evaluation systems (both with Expertise France), agriculture, integrated water resources management, climate services, nature-based solutions and disaster risk reduction.
AdaptAction has leveraged more than €580 million in resilient investments financed by AFD or co-financed with other partners, such as the Green Climate Fund or the European Union. Other projects currently under appraisal point to a total leverage of more than one billion euros.
Refocused on Africa, with 12 partner countries, AdaptAction’s second phase (2022-2025) was launched at COP26 in Glasgow with an additional budget of €15M. It is organized around a threefold strategy:" understanding, planning, investing ", with reinforced cross-cutting components on gender issues and the circulation of knowledge.

An extension in partnership with UNCDF LoCAL is also being planned for the Mediterranean area, described as an "adaptation hot spot" by the IPCC, with funding from the European Union (DG NEAR).