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The project aimed to develop political orientations and innovative modes of action to promote a new agricultural development model for the regional and inclusive rebalancing of small and medium-sized farmers. A climate change adaptation project.

In the context of developments in Tunisian public policies, in particular following the events of 14 January 2011, Tunisia wishes to conduct capacity building actions for its Ministry of Agriculture and for Tunisian civil society. The aim is to help develop new orientations for Tunisia’s agricultural development model. This financing is being implemented in a difficult context given the limits of the current model. The post-revolution Tunisian State is focusing on the issue of “territorial rebalancing” and on the importance of an overhauled agricultural policy.


The project is organized on the basis of three “incubators” (or points of application) and a “Laboratory of ideas”, which aim to develop proposals by focusing on specific segments of the issues related to the development of the agriculture sector.

Incubator n° 1, called FINAGRI, aims to further develop the work conducted on innovative financing tools for agriculture in Tunisia, under the contracting authority of the Ministry of Agriculture (DGFIOP). In the context of the implementation of a pilot operation to set up management units in Tunisia, the project is financing a partnership between the Agency for the Promotion of Agricultural Investments (APIA) and a management center in France (CER France).

Incubator n° 2, MANAGRI, aims to formulate a new farm upgrading program, including small and medium-sized farms, under the contracting authority of the Ministry of Agriculture (DGPA).

Incubator n° 3, CONSEILAGRI, aims to implement field actions focusing on providing a local technical and economic service to groups of small and medium-sized farmers in the country’s sub-mountainous regions. The objective is to demonstrate the importance of reviving a “field” culture in assistance and planning practices (by the administration and groups) for development processes in Tunisia’s agriculture sector. It will be implemented by civil society via two Tunisian associations, i.e. the Group of Breeders of Tarentaise Cattle (GERT) and Association for Sustainable Agriculture (APAD). The Laboratory of ideas, IDEAGRI, aims to create forums for consultation between members of civil society and the Tunisian Government, with the objective of contributing to the formulation of a new development model for Tunisia.



Project start date
Project end date
3 years
Duration of funding
Financing tool
500 000
Financing amount
Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fishing
Group of Breeders of Tarentaise Cattle
Association for Sustainable Agriculture