In Angola, only 49% of the population had access to an improved water source and 52% to an improved sanitation system in 2015. In urban areas, about 75% of the population had access to an improved water source of which only 32% is through public drinking water systems.
In order to improve the living conditions of the population, the government has made access to essential services a priority and aims to give all people access to water by 2025. It has thus undertaken to improve the governance framework of the water sector through strengthening the technical capacities of the newly created provincial companies and setting up a tariff policy to guarantee the sustainability of the water service.
The project is implemented by the Ministry of Energy and Water (MINEA) of Angola through its National Directorate of Water (DNA) and comprises the following components:
- Institutional strengthening through technical assistance to newly created provincial water companies and the sector regulator (IRSEA) for the development of regulations and tariffs; a study on opportunities for private sector participation in the water sector and, where appropriate, the development of a public-private partnership framework;
- Improved management of water resources through technical assistance to the National Institute of Hydric Resources (INRH) and support to the development and implementation of management plans for two watersheds (Keve & Longa and Cubal da Hanha), as well as a national dam safety plan. This component also includes the construction of hydrometric stations and the establishment of monitoring and management systems for water resources;
- Development of infrastructures through rehabilitation and extension works for drinking water production and supply systems, as well as drinking water distribution systems, including 1,675 km of pipelines, 185,000 new connections, and the installation of water meters ;
- Project management support including support for project management by the National Water Directorate, development of studies of sanitation master plans for the provinces targeted by the project, and technical assistance to the Empresa Pública de Águas de Luanda (EPAL) for the realization of a water master plan of Luanda.
- Approximately 951,000 people, mainly in unserved and peri-urban areas, will gain access to water services;
- The sustainability of the water service will be increased through the establishment of a regulatory framework, the professionalization of provincial water companies and the development of a pricing policy including a social tariff.
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