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Created in 1968, the Special Olympics promotes social inclusion through sport for people with intellectual disabilities. Through the Sport for Mental Health and Social Cohesion (SMHSC) program, the international organization benefits from co-financing from AFD, GIZ and FIFA, with support from Sport en Commun and the European Guild.

In Senegal, despite a general improvement in women’s health, there are still a number of obstacles. They include the lack of access to information and control over their bodies, as well as the persistence of harmful practices such as excision and genital mutilation. People with disabilities are also marginalized, as their special needs are neglected in development and health policies. Girls and women with intellectual disabilities are particularly at risk of violence due to their marginalization and the lack of recognition of their rights. Sport, as a vehicle for peace, inclusion and education, is a powerful tool for raising awareness among girls of crucial issues such as menstrual hygiene, sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, and the risks related to early marriages and pregnancies.


The project called FUSEE (Unified Women’s Football for Health, Mutual Aid and Equity) is an innovative initiative combining sport and health in the context of a Unified and Inclusive Women’s Football Tournament. Its main objective is to help improve the health of girls and women, whether or not they have an intellectual disability, through participation in sport. This project aims to promote social cohesion and well-being among the participants by proposing awareness-raising activities on reproductive health and hygiene, gynecological screening services, and creating an inclusive and mixed sport environment. The initiative also aims to build the leadership skills of the participants and inform them about their rights, so that they can fight against discrimination and the risks of physical and sexual violence, while working for their full integration within their respective communities.


This project will be implemented for a duration of six months in Dakar, Bignona and Ziguinchor. It will benefit 90 girls and 30 boys aged between 15 and 25, with or without an intellectual disability. The expected objectives of this project are as follows: 

  • The development of women’s football in Dakar and the Ziguinchior region;
  • The participants know how to protect themselves during their menstruation; 
  • The participants are trained in reproductive health;
  • The participants know their rights and are informed about gender-based violence.
Project start date
Project end date
2 years
Duration of funding
Dakar, Bignona et Ziguinchor, Senegal
Financing tool
20 418
Amount of the program
Special Olympics