
- Improving training and employability for young people
- Supporting human development and social cohesion reforms
- Supporting sustainable regional development
- Combating climate change
Improving training and employability for young people
Supporting human development and social cohesion reforms
Supporting sustainable regional development
Combating climate change
Senegal is located in the westernmost part of Africa, on the Atlantic coast, and has 15.3 million inhabitants. It is the second largest economy in French-speaking West Africa and has been experiencing strong growth since 2014.
Indeed, the country can rely on a number of advantages: its democratic tradition, its geographical position, a young population, a vast agricultural and mining potential and the dynamism of its diaspora.
However, it needs to deal with an informal economy which deprives the State of major resources, demographic pressure which increases poverty, and a youth suffering from the lack of jobs. There is, in addition, the environmental emergency: with its 531 km-long coastline, Senegal is particularly vulnerable to climate change.
AFD has been a partner of the country since 1947 and is a key correspondent for the Senegalese authorities. It mobilizes its entire range of financial tools to finance projects that contribute to sustainable and environmentally friendly growth with a concern for reducing inequalities.
AFD's Senegal office is directly attached to the Greater Sahel regional office in Ouagadougou.