Peru has a deficit of 1.8 million housing units at national level and 900,000 in the capital, Lima. It is also estimated that 70% of housing in the capital is “informal”: self-building without plans or guidelines from architects, very poor quality materials which endanger the safety of residents, particularly in the event of earthquakes. At national level, it is estimated that some 8 million people live in neighborhoods which have been informally invaded and are only partially reached by basic public services.
Fondo MiVivienda (FMV) is a public financial institution founded in 1998 which finances access to home ownership for Peruvian low and middle-income households. It is a second level institution that refinances financial institutions, which in turn lend to the final clients.
The support to Fondo MiVivienda is fully in line with AFD’s mandate in Peru, which aims to “promote green and inclusive growth” by specifically targeting the sustainable and social housing sector. Thanks to AFD’s support, Fondo Mivivienda has developed an operational manual on “green” criteria (water savings, electricity, education of neighbors, management plan for solid waste during the construction phase, etc.) which the promoters must comply with in order to have their real estate project certified.
This certification is conducted ex ante and ex post by an external consultancy firm and allows the home-buyer household to benefit from a grant (Bono Mivivienda Sostenible), which makes the price of the “green” housing unit equal to the price of a conventional housing unit. Finally, this credit line is combined with a technical cooperation program to support the creation of a sustainable housing market.
- Overall improvement in the technical characteristics of peri-urban and urban housing: energy and water savings estimated at 10 kWh/year/m² and 0.5 m3/year/m², respectively, for housing classified as sustainable. The related reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is estimated at some 130 teq of CO2 a year for a typical housing unit;
- Stimulation of supply (housing construction companies, suppliers) and demand (user buyers) to demonstrate the benefits of these products;
- Development of a consultancy sector for the “sustainable” certification audits of residential buildings.
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