
- Support the education and health sectors
- Protect biodiversity
- Develop infrastructure and boost the private sector
- Support the civil society
Support the education and health sectors
Protect biodiversity
Develop infrastructure and boost the private sector
Support the civil society
Gabon, a Central African country in the Congo Basin, is renowned for its vast forest and natural resources, arable land and unique biodiversity. With a population of 2.2 million, abundant mineral and oil reserves as well as one of the highest per capita GDPs in sub-Saharan Africa, the country stands as the region's second-largest economic powerhouse.
Yet despite these clear assets, Gabon still faces daunting challenges in building an inclusive future for its people. Its undiversified and overwhelmingly oil-dependent economic growth model poses a range of weaknesses. These challenges are reflected in the fact that a third of the population lives below the poverty line, while infrastructure and transport, social services such as health and education, and professional integration are lagging far behind.
In response to these challenges, Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is supporting the Gabonese government and civil society in pressing ahead with reforms. Through a mix of mechanisms such as the Debt Conversion Agreement (DCA), grants and loans, AFD Group harnesses its expertise to support Gabon's development. Its subsidiaries, Proparco focused on the private sector, and Expertise France focused on international technical cooperation, actively contribute to designing and implementing diversified, sustainable projects aimed at reducing inequalities and developing human capital.
The cooperation between Gabon and AFD has yielded numerous valuable achievements. In the education and healthcare sectors, the PISE project has already facilitated the school enrollment of 18,000 children, while the PASS I and II projects have contributed to the refurbishment of 19 health centers in the country's hinterlands. Similarly, progress has also been made in the field of transport infrastructure, with the Transgabonais upgrade programme. With regard to sustainable natural resource management, the Debt Conversion Agreement enables AFD to continue lending its support to projects in line with Gabon's national priorities for sustainable development of forest ecosystems.
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