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Analysis of Multidimensional Inequalities in Central America and Dominican Republic, and a Strategy for Inequality Reduction

The region of Central America and the Dominican Republic (CARD) is experiencing political, social and economic turbulence. Inequality seems to be the root: gaps that bar most people’s access to development’s benefits. This report examines these gaps, identifying trends in the subregion, analysing causes and proposing solutions. Using the Oxfam and LSE Multidimensional Inequality Framework (MIF) and the capabilities approach, the research confirms there are horizontal and vertical inequalities in diverse areas. Two main structural drivers substantially explain these inequalities, while a subregional policy strategy with a new sustainable productive model, particularly for women and youth in areas of social exclusion, is suggested. 

The report provides a snapshot of inequalities, using the most recent data available to measure them. However, given the rapidly changing context in the subregion, the data in this report fails to capture the deteriorating situation of many of the dimensions analysed, as a result of serious social and political crises affecting the region and human rights. This is particularly the case for Nicaragua, where most of the data available pre-dates the outbreak of the human rights crisis in April 2018.

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