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2022 Financial Systems activity report

Financial systems play a central role in development trajectories. When financial activities are disrupted by underlying weaknesses, crises can result, with devastating effects. Conversely, when the financial system takes action to finance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it can have a decisive effect on development. This is why financial actors must take action to support sustainable low-carbon investments in both the North and the South in accordance with the goals of the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement.

The year 2022 was marked by a highly volatile international environment. Inflation, interest rate hikes, rising commodity and food prices and security issues all reaffirmed the central role played by financial systems in financing the economies of countries, and of Central Banks and Public Development Banks in particular. To address these issues, AFD Group provides financing to improve the regulation of financial activities, assist financial players in their transitions (including green and digital transitions), and facilitate access to appropriate financial services.

In 2022, the Group’s financial systems activity represented 2.6 billion euros of signatures.

Download the activity report below to learn more.

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