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In 2012 the Evaluation Division of AFD’s Research Department decided to evaluate and follow up 20 years of AFD Group interventions in the pastoral water sector in Chad. This exercise, which covered 11 projects implemented in three areas of Chad between 1993 and 2013, was driven by the need for a global analysis that would help the agency build on 20 successive years of support – going beyond previous evaluation exercises undertaken in 2004, 2010 and 2012. Its three objectives were to: i) evaluate the overall relevance and coherence of AFD Group interventions; ii) assess the performance of pastoral water projects; iii) propose strategies for continuing the process (with significant changes) or gradually winding it down. IIED1 was appointed to conduct this exercise. It established an international, multi-disciplinary team which carried out the work in three stages, maintaining regular contact with the steering committee throughout the seven-month process of i) structuring the evaluation procedure (November 2012-February 2013); ii) field visits to N’Djamena, eastern Chad, central Chad and Lake Fitri (17 February-10 March 2013); iii) preparing the summary and recommendations (March-May 2013).

Due to the scope of the exercise, it was decided to conduct a meta-evaluation based on previous evaluations and the huge amount of documentation relating to the 11 projects. Another priority was to gather the viewpoints of different actors in France and Chad, including both stakeholders and non-stakeholders in these interventions. The analysis of the interventions took account of changing pastoral paradigms over the past two decades and the three (societal, economic and ecological) pillars of pastoral systems. Local actors in Chad had the opportunity to express their views at three scenario planning workshops, which showed that water and mobility are universally regarded as the main drivers of change.
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author(s) :
Blamah JALLO
Jeremy SWIFT
Saverio KRÄTLI
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available also in : fr en
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