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The rise in world agricultural prices in 2008 revealed the fragility of food security in many developing countries. Poor populations in sub-Saharan Africa are the biggest victims of this fragility. Rainfed food crops can play a unique role on the continent bysupplying regional markets, increasing farmers’ incomes,and creating jobs in rural areas. Working within the framework of the regional dynamics launched in West and Central Africa, AFD, CIRAD and IFAD initiated three studies to (i) map the food crop production and consumption areas in the zone, (ii) identifythe contributions of research on these supply chains, and (iii) analyze food crop project practices.

pdf : 8.52 MB
author(s) :
collection :
To Know
issn :
2105-553 X
pages :
number :
available also in : fr en
8.52 MB (pdf)
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