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Access to water and children's health_couv

Official figures on the access to water show almost total coverage in Bolivia's cities and a lower coverage of basic sanitation, which suggests an improvement in the quality of life of the population. An analysis of the socio-economic situation of the inhabitants of two neighborhoods of El Alto shows disadvantaged housing and neighborhood conditions correlated with the presence of infections in children under 5 years of age, a fact also seen in a population suffering from inequality in educational, occupational and ethnic terms. Official figures do not report either on the quality of the water service or its intermittency in this area. Focusing attention on a territory and the use of qualitative tools (interviews) help nuance the universalizing figures of state administrative successes.

pdf : 520.19 KB
author(s) :
Malkya Tudela CANAVIRI
coordinator :
collection :
Research Papers
issn :
2492 - 2846
pages :
number :
available also in : en
520.19 KB (pdf)
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