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A World Tour of Climate Solutions - 2020 Edition

This second edition of the World Tour of Climate Solutions presents a sample of projects financed by AFD Group. What is a climate project? How does it meet a need in a given region? What is its impact on the fight against climate change and in the field and for its recipients?

This brochure attempts to illustrate the multitude of sectors and geographical areas covered by AFD’s initiatives through projects carefully selected by the project teams and offices of the AFD network. These projects all have benefits for the climate and contribute to mitigating climate change or to better
adapting to its effects.

At the end of this pivotal year 2020, which will see the Joint Finance Summit held in Paris in November, it is important to recall the various means for financing the achievement of climate objectives and the role that public development banks can play to support governments in raising their objectives for 2050. AFD thus remains focused on its key objectives of protecting the planet, promoting sustainable development and reducing inequalities, and invites you to learn more about 40 of its climate change and biodiversity projects.

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