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The general objective was to improve the living conditions of the population of the villages located in the districts of Tubas and Jenin, in the north of the West Bank, through improved access to water and sanitation services.

The specific objectives of the project (CPS1018-CPS1068) were to:

  1. Ensure the supply and secure the availability of drinking water in the area ;
  2. Improve the sanitation system in the area ; 
  3. Strengthen the institution environment. 

The implemented drinking water system is functioning well and providing a good quality service to the population.

However, a few actions could be taken to further improve this service and strengthen its sustainability over time:

  • Continue to improve the performance of Tubas JSC service, in particular decrease the NRW rate, and improve the bill collection efficiency ; 
  • Resolve the disagreement between the JSCs of Tubas and Maythalun over the price of transferring water from one system to the other ; 
  • Conduct a tariff study including a study of the willingness and ability to pay for water and connections ;
  • Conduct regular satisfaction surveys. 
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auteur(s) :
ICEA & Universal Group for Engineering & Consulting
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