On November 8th, 2021, the COP26 side event “Understanding, Planning, Investing: Lessons Learned and Perspectives from AdaptAction” organized at the IDFC Pavilion was an opportunity to officially launch the second phase of the programme.
Since 2017, AdaptAction supports the implementation of NDCs, operationalizes the Paris Agreement and fosters adaptation investments in 15 countries and regional organisations. Through technical assistance and capacity-building activities, AdaptAction helps countries make sure that climate-change adaptation is better integrated in their governance tools, public policies and projects.
Endowed with a 15 million euro budget for 4 years (2022-2025), the second phase is aimed at strengthening people and ecosystem’s resilience of 12 partner countries in Africa towards the impacts of climate change. It will build on lessons learned during the first phase (2017-2021), with the goal of responding to countries’ adaptation needs submitted to UNFCCC.
Studies and capacity-building activities will follow three areas of focus:
- Understand, with operational research on the human dimensions of adaptation
- Plan, to better integrate adaptation in governance tools and sectoral policies for an enabling environment
- Invest, with vulnerability and feasibility studies to foster innovative and transformational adaptation projects.
Through vulnerability and feasibility studies, the first phase has already leveraged 584 million euros of projects co-funded by the AFD (83%) and other donors like the GCF (9%) or the UE. With several studies still ongoing, this leveraged amount is anticipated to reach 1 billion euros.
The AdaptAction Programme is complemented with two crosscutting components: gender equality and social inclusion, and knowledge management and outreach, ensuring that knowledge generated through the project is shared between the stakeholders involved in the three different areas of focus, between partner countries (South-South and South-North), and with other stakeholders (experts of partner organisations, general audience, etc.).
More information on the AdaptAction page
Media contact: Juliette Courot