This issue compiles texts by authors from all disciplinary and intellectual backgrounds, such as Cecelia Lynch, Felwine Sarr, Fatima Sadiqi, Walter Mignolo, Giulia Bonacci, on subjects and research areas with reconceived paradigms. Eight original contributions published in four languages (English, Arabic, French and Swahili) embody Global Africa's openness policy. Thus, the new journal appears to be like a melting pot for research that will contribute to rethinking the African continent and the world starting from Africa in order to describe and analyze its trajectories in the light of global challenges.
"This new scientific journal offers a platform for analysis for African and international researchers. Papers published by Global Africa meet a major requirement: to invest in subjects that promote progress in knowledge and understanding of reality, in a disciplinary or interdisciplinary fields, through theoretical and conceptual structures as well as solid and reliable empirical data," states Professor Mame Penda BA, editor-in-chief of Global Africa.
"Global Africa aims to strengthen the publishing ecosystem of scientific knowledge in Africa. It is also involved in a training program in scientific publishing and in strengthening the skills of the young generation of social science researchers throughout the continent," according to its founders. The latter recognize the support of nine African and European partners and the support of The Agence Française de Développement (AFD), which support the establishment of international scientific publishing capacities in Africa and, more broadly, the promotion of African research about Africa, through a grant of 1.5 million euros over a period of four years.
The journal Global Africa, published with open access, meets the highest standards of international scientific publishing, and has total scientific independence. It is available for download on the program's website and in printed version on print-on-demand.
It will be featured to the scientific community, policy makers, civil society organizations and the media at the launching symposium of Global Africa African Research Matters - Imagining African futures in response to global challenges, which will be held at the Gaston Berger University (Saint-Louis, Senegal) from March 15 to 18.
Press contacts:
Global Africa: Minielle TALL, Communication Manager |
IRD: Oriane Deschamps, Junior Press Officer |
AFD: Mathilde LIMITO, in charge of communication and media |