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Africa Sports and Development AFD
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the pan-African financing platform Sport en Commun (“Sports in Common”, or sharing the sporting experience), to be officially launched on September 21, is issuing a call for "Sports and Health" projects. This initiative is financed by AFD and FIFA as part of their partnership agreement signed in June 2019.

This call for projects is focused on financing "Sports and Health” initiatives to make sport a response to the health and social crisis in Africa. It is managed by the Sport en Commun platform and by the Sport & Development program financed by AFD and supported by the NGO La Guilde européenne du Raid.

Financing initiatives of between €20,000 and €40,000, the call for projects is aimed at French or African associations and foundations as well as local authorities, companies, sports clubs, federations, economic interest groups (GIE/GIC), national Olympic committees, cooperatives, state structures, public structures and other declared groups.


Any project leader wishing to apply must first register on the Sport en Commun platform and fill in the application form by Thursday, September 10 at midnight, Paris time.

Applications will be examined by the Sport en Commun unit, AFD, FIFA and La Guilde européenne du Raid teams as well as by a panel of experts in this field. The final list of selected projects will be announced by the end of November and each project will be presented in detail on the Sport en Commun platform.

Promoting development through sport
Based in Dakar, the mission of the pan-African Sport en Commun platform is to promote the financing and support of projects combining sport and development in Africa. All of its actions are driven by the belief that sport is a strong lever for development and that it contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

From the outset, the Sport en Commun platform will reference: 
⦁    A varied financing offer, adapted to all sizes of projects and issuing from several types of financing structures: public institutions dedicated to development financing, local and regional banks, private sector companies, investment funds, foundations, etc.
⦁    Support solutions for project leaders covering the entire life cycle of a project: incubation and structuring, deployment and implementation, scaling up, skills development and training, monitoring and impact measurement, etc.

Sport en Commun also offers several digital networking solutions (directory, messaging, exchange forum) for faster, more relevant and better targeted interactions and partnerships.

This call for projects is an effective way to make the Sport and Development theme more visible in order to invite our partners in the development world to make greater use of sport in their actions. And, conversely, to encourage sports stakeholders to integrate sustainable development more extensively in their actions. 
The Sport en Commun platform, initiated by AFD, will be officially launched on September 21, 2020.