In Madagascar, there are historical, socioeconomic and political reasons for gender inequality. According to UNFPA data, one in three women is a victim of gender-based violence such as domestic violence and sexual violence. With almost 50% of girls married or co-habiting before the age of 18, Madagascar has one of the highest rates of early marriage in the world. These marriages have a negative effect on girls’ childhoods, life chances, education, well-being, and health. Gender inequalities are much more marked in certain regions, for example, in the south-west of Madagascar.
The “ALAFIA” project aims to help empower girls and reduce the number of early pregnancies in the south-west of Madagascar. It uses rugby as a tool for personal and social development, education in citizenship, and gender equality.
- Regular sessions of educational rugby and a weekly follow-up during the school year
- Organization of training seminars on the Sustainable Development Goals, good quality physical education and education in gender equality
- Capacity building for young educators
- Organization of educational events/meetings and tournaments
- Creation of mixed teams alternating between matches, awareness-raising workshops, and singing and dance competitions in a festive setting
- 4,000 direct young beneficiaries (girls and boys aged between 6 and 18)
- Reduction in the rate of early pregnancies among the beneficiaries
- A better perception of women in the region through the promotion of employment via a mass recruitment of women educators to support the girls
- Possibility for girls to refer to women’s success stories in sport
- Promotion of social cohesion and community life
- Contribution to the integration of good quality physical education into the elementary school curricula of the partner schools and colleges in the beneficiary neighborhoods
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