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This new program will improve the health environment for over 200,000 residents by connecting over 35,000 homes to sanitation networks in 200 popular neighborhoods nationwide. A climate change adaptation project.

This fifth Sanitation Program for Popular Neighborhoods is strengthening the efforts of the National Sanitation Office (ONAS) in carrying out its mission to improve living conditions for vulnerable people and fight against water pollution. AFD has been supporting ONAS in this field since 1998.


The investment program includes the creation of 560 km of networks, the installation of 38 pumping stations and the construction of 3 water treatment plants. The Program will contribute to the territorial rebalancing of public investments as 60% of the neighborhoods in question are located in 13 governorates in the interior of the country. To implement this program, it is essential to build the capacities of the national agency via technical assistance to the Office’s recently created Environmental and Social Unit, which will help improve relations with neighboring populations. 

The investment program is being financed by a EUR 30m AFD loan to the Tunisian Republic. The loan is being reallocated as a grant to ONAS, as it involves financing for the Tunisian sanitation sector with mainly social and economic profitability.
In addition to this loan, a EUR 500,000 grant is being allocated to finance the support and capacity building for ONAS.


This program will contribute to providing sanitation in 200 popular neighborhoods. It will connect 35,600 homes to the network and improve the health environment for 211,000 residents.

Project start date
Project end date
4 years
Duration of funding
Financing tool
30 500 000
Amount of the program
L’Office National de l’Assainissement (ONAS)