The Extension of the EU-AFD Research Facility on Inequalities in partnership with CEEY will design proposals for the design of care systems at level of federal states and of municipalities, which will further support the progress in reducing the inequalities and foster social mobility.

This project is a follow-up of the research project developed by CEEY and El Colegio de México in the first phase of the EU-AFD Research Facility on Inequalities. The results showed the need for structural changes to break the bottlenecks of social mobility and reduce inequality in Mexico

Based on the above, the new phase of the project focuses on the knowledge base that will inform the setting up of care systems in the states of Guanajuato and Nuevo Leon and in the municipality of San Pedro Garza Garcia. 

Guaranteeing the right to care in the Constitution is essential to advance on the basis of social consensus. In order to define the articulation mechanisms in a law, it is necessary to understand the care systems at different levels as transversal and multipurpose policies that are worth discussing collectively, as they imply much more than the already great challenge of expanding the existing infrastructure of services and social spending. The Care Economy also implies creating fiscal strategies to redistribute paid and unpaid work, adapted policies for those who require care and for caregivers, social co-responsibility and co-responsibility of the private sector.

Therefore, it requires more and better statistical information, strengthening surveys and data systems, as well as developing studies to make visible the interdependence of care with multiple agendas, identifying care needs and their characteristics, available supply and unmet demand, allowing for strategic planning and follow-up from the short to the long term, starting with priority groups that include children, people with disabilities, the sick and elderly, and their caregivers.

This project is part of the Extension of the EU-AFD Research Facility on Inequalities (RFI). Coordinated by AFD and financed by the European Commission, the Extension of the RFI will contribute to the development of public policies aimed at reducing inequalities in four countries: South Africa, Mexico, Colombia and Indonesia over the period 2021-2025.



Given the above context, the objective of this project is the construction of two products that address two identified needs:

  • a design proposal for a state and municipal-level care system: it is necessary to develop a care system designs that address the structural inequalities for which their creation is sought. In this sense, it is necessary to establish a complete, functional and sustainable design. 
  • a proposal for the collection and systematization of primary information for the design and/or monitoring of the care system: a second need arises from the above in terms of systematization of primary and administrative information that feeds, as far as possible, the original design of the care systems, as well as their monitoring over time. 

You will find below the different research papers related to this project :

In progress

Project start date
Project end date
70 000
Financing amount

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