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L'AFD appuie la transition énergétique de la Polynésie française
AFD and the Polynesian authorities have jointly defined a support program to assist French Polynesia with its energy transition. By 2030, the renewable energy penetration rate in power generation will reach about 75%.

French Polynesia, like most island territories, is highly dependent on hydrocarbon imports. In 2019, 93.8% of energy consumed in the archipelagos came from imports of various petroleum-based fuels.

The renewable energy penetration rate in power generation stood at 28.78% in 2019. This figure has remained stable over the last five years.

In late 2015, the Government launched an ambitious Energy Transition Plan (ETP) with a target of 75% of renewable energy by 2030.


AFD and the Polynesian authorities have defined a study and support program for the energy transition strategy and climate-air-energy plan.

The operation will be based on a programmatic approach. A steering committee will be set up to discuss the outcomes achieved, the ongoing services and define the future support. This committee will be composed of representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Services, ADEME and AFD.


French Polynesia’s energy transition plan has three main objectives:

  • Change the energy model, by gradually replacing the use of fossil fuels with renewable energies in all activities 
  • Change behavior to reduce energy consumption: more virtuous consumption patterns and a widespread use of new equipment with a lower energy consumption contribute to reducing consumption   
  • Change the economic model for energy by promoting greater transparency in costs and prices, a greater diversity of stakeholders and a wider choice for consumers.
Project start date
3 years
Duration of funding
French Polynesia
Financing tool
450 000
Amount of the program
Local Authorities