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The aim of this project is to develop a hub offering training courses from bachelor's to doctorate level, research and technology transfer in the field of energy auditing and efficiency in Madagascar.
Train the actors of the energy transition – this is the goal of the TRANGA project, which was selected for the second edition of the “Academia Partnerships Africa-France” programme. Led by the Institut supérieur de technologie d’Antananarivo in Madagascar and the Université Bretagne Sud, it aims to develop a hub proposing a training programme from the Bachelor’s/Licence to PhD/Doctorate levels, in research and technology transfer with a focus on energy audits and efficiency.

Energy is a priority sector for Madagascar, where the electrification rate stands at 15%, electricity coverage in rural areas is almost non-existent and most power stations run on thermal technology. 
The country’s energy transition began by integrating the need to focus on energy management and saving in all economic sectors. 

To achieve the goal of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, businesses that produce or consume energy must acquire increasingly advanced skills and have a good understanding of energy systems in order to identify the sources that could help them reduce their energy bill.

This means that it is crucial to implement an energy audit system and apply energy efficiency measures both in firms and at the individual level. Integrating these concepts into the training curriculum is core to the TRANGA project. 


The TRANGA project aims to set up a long-term academic partnership to provide higher education training programmes at the Institut supérieur de technologie d’Antananarivo: a quality, job-oriented Bachelor’s/Licence, Master’s and Doctorate programme, attractive at national, regional and international level. The ambition? Train technicians and expert engineers in energy audits and energy efficiency to meet the scientific challenges of the energy transition, particularly in energy-intensive sectors such as industry and housing.

The project was selected for the second edition of the “Academia Partnerships Africa-France” programme (PeA). It is financed by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs via the Agence française de développement (AFD). The PeA programme is implemented by the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR – French National Research Agency) and Campus France with support from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.


This project contributes to achieving the following  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):  

  • Co-build quality, job-oriented training programmes on the African continent (SDG 4).
  • Provide the Malagasy population with access to affordable, reliable,  sustainable and modern energy services (SDG 7).
Project start date
Project end date
4 years
Duration of funding
Antananarivo, Madagascar
Financing tool
2 400 000
Amount of the program
IST-T – Institut supérieur de technologie d’Antananarivo ;
UBS – Université Bretagne Sud