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2022 Activity Report Agriculture, Rural Development and Biodiversity

AFD financing in areas such as farming, livestock raising, management of forest and fishery resources, as well as ecosystem preservation adopts an integrated territorial approach that takes climate change into account. We invest in economic and social development via the agricultural sector, the leading provider of rural jobs. Support for family farming and the promotion of agroecological practices are among our key actions, with the dual objective of ensuring food and nutritional security and improving the standard of living of rural populations.

AFD also supports actions for the conservation and management of natural resources and biodiversity. The preservation and restoration of natural environments and the transition to a pro-nature economy are a priority objective for achieving greater convergence of the climate and biodiversity challenges.

In 2022, AFD invested €1.18 billion in this sector, thereby contributing to efforts to reach many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These investments focused on the fight against hunger, against a backdrop of a food crisis that has been exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

To learn more, download the activity report below.

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