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Evaluation Summary - Health Sector Support Projects in Chad (PASST 1 and 2)

In Chad, for the health sector, two successive health sector support projects were evaluated in 2019. The methodological approach developed for this evaluation was "change" oriented, putting at the heart of the evaluation the perception of changes by the stakeholders and making the evaluation a process of learning and dialogue between the stakeholders.
The two projects aimed to reduce maternal, neonatal and infant mortality in the regions of N'Djaména, Logone Occidental and Ouaddaï by strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Health and health facilities, training health personnel and financing care.
The macro-economic context was not favourable and did not allow the path of change envisaged by the programme to be fully followed. However, the PASST programme has contributed to many changes in health care practices and in the behaviour of the population with regard to health services. The project team should now seek to better valorise and sustain these changes.

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author(s) :
AFD Evaluation Department with the support of COTA
available also in : fr en
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