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Mankind generates more than two billion tons of municipal solid waste every year; at least one third of this is not properly treated. This waste has a direct impact on health, climate, biodiversity and the environment. On the other hand, proper solid waste management is a major vector of impact mitigation in many respects: environmental protection, reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improvement of the hygiene conditions of a territory and thus of its attractiveness...

Poor waste management is also a major source of methane gas. For the first time, this gas was the subject of an agreement signed by 97 countries at COP26 to reduce methane emissions by at least 30% by implementing concrete solutions in the agriculture, energy and waste management sectors.

AFD has been operating in the solid waste management sector since the early 2000s - between 2010 and 2020, AFD has supported more than 60 projects for a total amount of around 500 million euros. It has been stepping up its operations over the past five years in response to the growing global awareness of the need for action in this sector. AFD promotes a differentiated and adapted approach and thus supports the structuring of sectors, from waste production to final treatment, while improving health, social and environmental conditions. 

This operational guide highlights the main issues related to the sector, underlines the importance of integrated, efficient and sustainable waste management, and presents the principles and modalities of AFD's intervention in this field. It can thus help local authorities and municipalities seeking to adapt their essential waste management services and measure AFD's potential to support their projects

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