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South Asia - 2020-2024 Regional Strategy

AFD Group’s priorities in South Asia over the coming years are part of the French strategy for the Indo-Pacific and res¬pond to the region’s climate-related, environmental and social challenges. They are aligned with the sectors in which French expertise is recognised and where French enter¬prises can contribute their know-how.

As AFD Group’s regional development platform, the South Asia Regional Office has been based in New Delhi since September 2019 with a geographical scope covering four AFD agencies (Islamabad, New Delhi, Dacca, Colombo) for five countries: India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Proparco and Expertise France, unlike AFD, can operate in Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives.

AFD will thus specifically target the following priority lines of action: 

  • combat climate change by supporting low-carbon transitions
  • promote the sustainable management of territories and preserve natural resources
  • contribute to more inclusive economic growth. 
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