Human Rights and Development

Conceived as the first step of a series of meetings of actors committed to the promotion of the HRBA, the conference will also be an opportunity to encourage networking among participants and to agree on common proposals for action.
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Conférence Droits humains et développement
when ? where ?
The Friday 10 December 2021
Development Talks

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, France adopted a new "Human Rights and Development" strategy in 2018, in which it reaffirmed the inseparable link between achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and realizing human rights for all. As a further step, it has committed to integrating a human rights-based approach to development (HRBA) through the law adopted in 2021 on inclusive development and the fight against global inequalities. It considers that the HRBA is applicable to all development projects and programs, regardless of sector. AFD Group actively participated in the design of the French strategy and now intends to play a leading role in its implementation.

AFD is one of the development actors that have begun to integrate the HRBA into their operational policies, notably through its "100% social link" strategy, its commitments in terms of gender and equality between women and men, and its actions to contribute to political and civic transition. At the same time, AFD also supports numerous initiatives led by civil society organizations that defend human rights or include a HRBA in their development projects. AFD fully agrees that there can be no truly sustainable development without respecting, protecting and implementing human rights. 

Further reading: The conference synthesis

We are currently witnessing an unprecedented worldwide decline in human rights. The principle of universality is increasingly challenged and there is a growing erosion of the rule of law and democracies. Faced with the challenges raised by this situation, the community of development stakeholders, in all its diversity, has an essential role to play:

  • Aligning its action with the SDGs. This implies, in a transversal way, the integration of a human rights-based approach in its operating methods. 
  • Engage a multitude of actors in the North and South - partner States, development banks, technical cooperation agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations, and research institutions, among others - in the same direction, in order to optimize the chances of achieving the 2030 Agenda and advancing human rights. 

AFD Group invites you to participate in a conference dedicated to human rights and development to discuss these issues. The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss the current framework and challenges in terms of human rights and development, as well as to review the main lessons learned and good practices identified in terms of HRBA integration.

Subject to the evolution of health conditions, the event will be held in a hybrid format, both in-person (subject to having a health pass) and by videoconference, in AFD's auditorium Mistral, in Paris. Considering the current health situation, be aware that to participate in-person to the conference, you will be required to present a health pass via QR code proving that you have either been vaccinated against Covid-19, received a negative test result or recovered from Covid-19. Participants will be required to wear a mask.

when ?
Friday 10 December 2021
where ?
This list is not exhaustive
Directorate “Human Development, Migration, Governance, Peace and Security”, European Commission
André Franck
Delegate General of « Urgence Identité Afrique »
International Lawyer, Essayist
Reporters Without Borders (RSF), India
Global Adviser on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, World Bank
Peace Nobel Prize, Solidarité Laïque Tunisia
Professor, University of the Witwatersrand, Member of the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research
President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
President of FORUS
University of Louvain, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights
CEO, Gaia Amazonas

Location of the event

Siège de l'AFD
5 rue Roland-Barthes