
- Ensuring food security and promoting sustainable rural development
- Supporting urban development and local government
- Developing safer energy for economic growth
- Producing intellectual material, focusing on key topics
Ensuring food security and promoting sustainable rural development
Supporting urban development and local government
Developing safer energy for economic growth
Producing intellectual material, focusing on key topics
Despite its remarkable growth, Ghana’s economy needs to face three challenges: the decline in world prices for most of the raw materials exported by the country (gold, cocoa), the sharp fall in oil prices, which has halved its oil revenues, and an electricity grid which is still underdeveloped and unstable. Ghana must now diversify its economy and increase its energy supply.
AFD started its activities in Ghana in 1985, marking the opening ofits first representation in an English-speaking country. Over the last 30 years, the AFD Group has focused its activities on the financing of strategic infrastructures (energy, transport) and socio-economic projects (private sector financing, sustainable cities, agriculture). While maintaining the same sectors of intervention, AFD wishes to renew its activities in Ghana putting emphasis on the promotion of gender equality and the mitigation of the effects of climate change, in tandem with the SDG agenda.
AFD in Ghana: over EUR 1.4bn committed over the past 30 years.
AFD's Ghana office is directly attached to the Guf of Guinea regional office in Abidjan.