Andes Regional Office

The Andean countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) share not only a common history but also the same language and part of the Amazon rainforest, which is directly connected to the Andes Mountains. AFD Group is working with the Andean region towards a fair transition, promoting environmental and social progress through two pillars: support for environmental and climate justice and support for social justice.
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Andes regional office AFD Group


AFD has been active in the region since 2009 and created the Andes Regional Office in 2018.  Based in Bogotá, it covers four countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The common realities and challenges that characterize this region justify the validity of the regional approach adopted by AFD Group. The Andean countries are indeed in agreement with French policies on democracy, human rights and international commitments regarding the environment and climate change

AFD Group's work in the region is aligned with the following strategic objectives:

Combat climate change and preserve the environment

AFD Group promotes development trajectories in line with global climate and environmental challenges. It thus accompanies the four countries of the region in the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. The objectives: limit the increase in the average temperature of the planet, halt the dramatic loss of biodiversity and promote the energy transition towards renewable energies.

In addition, the Group intends to implement a greater number of measures dedicated to the fight against deforestation, the preservation of biodiversity, sustainable transformation of the rural sector and the emergence of bio-economy and nature-based alternatives.

Improve the quality of life of citizens and their access to high-quality services

One of AFD Group's priorities in the Andes is to improve the quality of life of citizens in a sustainable manner by promoting access to modern, resilient, sustainable and accessible services. Access to water and sanitation, decent housing and employment are among the most important development issues in the Andean region.

Promoting decentralization will reduce territorial inequalities while improving the living conditions of local populations, particularly women, for the benefit of disadvantaged territories or those affected by conflicts in the region. The aim is to create optimal conditions for financing essential infrastructure in various sectors: urban development, water, health, education, energy and transport.

In addition, we contribute to the development of sustainable cities that are resilient to climate change. In this way, we encourage public and private stakeholders to accelerate the transition to clean modes of public transport without losing sight of the objective of social inclusion.

Achieve a fair social transition

The Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated the issues of governance, justice, human rights, health and social peace. This is why AFD Group is continuing to invest in projects that promote social inclusion and cohesion and the economic development of the most affected territories, but also in projects that recognize the fundamental role of women in society.

Fostering local and regional partnerships

AFD Group strongly encourages partnerships with multilateral and bilateral organizations active in the Andes, notably with the European Union, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), the World Bank, KfW as well as the members of IDFC.

We also seek to foster interactions with local authorities, civil society, scientific research centers and think tanks.




billion committed between 2018 and 2023
projects supported between 2018 and 2023


Research document

How do global decarbonization trends create external risks for emerging and developing economies?

Dec 2024
Research document

Are industries in emerging countries becoming greener?

Couv QDD 82 EN
Nov 2024
Research document

Quantifying Green Job Potential in Colombia: A Task-Based Approach

Green jobs_couv1
Nov 2024
Research document

Citizens and the climate: Towards innovative decision-making in public climate policies?

Couv QDD 80 VA
Nov 2024
Research document

Assessing the state of the environment in Colombia: What can we learn from the ESGAP analysis

esgap analysis columbia
Oct 2024
Research document

Enhancing Environmental Sustainability Through the Environmental Sustainability Gap (ESGAP) Framework in Colombia

Couv Policy Dialogues 67
Jun 2024
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